New order

Click here to open a new service ticket.

Status inquiry

Click here to receive informations about your service ticket.

Frequently asked questions:

If you want to return your order, exchange an item or have unfortunately received a wrong or damaged item, please fill out the return form and you will hear from us within the next 48 hours.
Please list every item separately in the form.
If you are not 100% satisfied with your recent Pairadize purchase, you are more than welcome to return products within 14 days after you have received your order.
If the returned products are NOT in perfect condition, your item can’t be refunded.
No, we do not provide free returns labels.
Please note that you are responsible for the costs of the return.
Refunds and exchanges are processed within 7 working days by our team after receiving the item(s) back in our warehouse.
Weekends aren’t included in working days and we only begin this countdown when the items are in our warehouse, not when they were posted back.
Please bear this in mind especially if you’re returning internationally!
Please note, if you’ve sent your items back for an exchange, we take approximately 5 working days to process the returns and then your exchanged item will take 2-3 working days to deliver for EU orders or 3-7 working days for international orders.

easyRMA® - Software developed and programmed by WalkeNewMedia wnm®